Wednesday 14 December 2011

CSI Miami: G.O

     Currently watching CSI:Miami, Episode 21 from Season 9. Please note that all italic words are Key Crime Drama words! So the episode started with a Singles bar being shown and the suspect Neil Marshall as a smart innocent businessman. He tries to get the attention of the barmaid but no one is listening to him. Olivia Hunter, the barmaid spots him and goes to get him a drink but as she turns round a tall man bumps in to her and her drinks tray smashes into him. The man gets frustrated and starts having a go at Olivia, Neil steps in a tells him to leave out. The tall man pushes Neil and so he punches the man. The man punches Neil several times to the floor until he is bleeding. Olivia rushes over and sees if Neil is okay, turns out he is and she offers to go get him 'a drink on the house'. Moments later a young fella goes into the men's bathroom and sees Neil holding the taller man's dead body with a pool of blood surrounding them. He runs out to go and get someone but when they go back in Neil and the body are nowhere to be seen but strangely there are no drag marks or exits in the toilets. CSI are called upon to investigate! This scene gives the audience a lot of ideas in a short space of 8mins. By showing suspect Neil and the victim together in the cubicle immediately points the finger on him. And also by him then leaving could indicate that it was Neil, but will CSI really let us guess it that easy?! I think not! This puts confusion onto the audience as their instinct is to think that it's Neil but they just know it won't be!
     Anyway, back to the show! Natalia and Detective Frank get informed that Neil's car had been spotted at South Beach so they go there STRAIGHT away. They locate his car and Neil is nowhere to be seen, but they find the body of the victim in the boot of his car. Next mission, WHERE IS NEIL?! This is a great piece of evidence being shown because now they can examine the body and check for any clues or DNA that may link it back to it's murderer.
     Erik turns up at Olivia's flat and asks to search it, surprise surprise he finds Neil!! He begs for innocence and says that it;s all a big understanding. They both get cuffed and the 3 of them go into the lift. The lift starts to shake and Olivia said "It's them!!!" Erik asks who but its starts to shake again. Olivia suggests that he un-cuffed them so they could help so Erik goes along with the idea. The all manage to open the doors and Erik climbs onto the floor their at. The lift suddenly drops down with Olivia and Neil in it. Erik runs the whole staircase but once he gets to the bottom - it's too late! They have already gone!
This scene created high tension and now includes multiple suspects, which is where the audience start to become their own detectives!
     Walter and Ryan go to inspect the scene and lift. Erik has several flashbacks when telling Walter what happened, this reminded the audience what happened to not risk them getting confused or having to rewind!! Ryan finds a remote control switch on the power box, which controls the breaks of the lift and indicates that somebody was controlling when to stop the lift and let Erik get out and when to release the breaks so they have a safe escape. They show a flashback which makes the audience know more information than the detectives as it shows what Olivia and Neil done once they landed from the lift. Dramatic Irony is often used to describe this. What they need to find out now is WHO controlled the lift and is in on the game with them both.
   Back to the CSI lab and Natalia is interviewing Neil's wife and she explains to him how he has been having some trouble at work but she has no idea who Olivia is or where she is from. In the laboratory medic is examining the body and explaining to Horatio that this can't be the victim they are looking for as the body is too cold. This leaves everyone in a state of massive confusion, including me! The scene shows medical equipment being used to bisect the body and discover who's body this is. They find a medical chip inside the body and use a RFID Reader to read the chip and discover who it is - turns out it's a man called Jason Norris who donated his body to Silas Biotech. Calleigh goes to investigate.
    Silas Biotech explain that Jason's body had been misplaced/stolen before it arrived there to be stored. And Horatio gets a phone-call from Neil who is telling him that he woke up and found Olivia dead and that people might be after him for seeing an account that he shouldn't of. Horatio asks where his is but Neil says he doesn't trust him. Dec. Frank locates the phone-call and they plus backup go to the hotel located. They find the body of Olivia but Neil is nowhere to be seen.
     MONTAGES! As the forensics are inspecting the crime scene, it's a process that would take many hours but is condensed into a set of montages with face pace backing music to keep the audience interested. Photos are being taken of evidence that could be used in the case. They discover force entry on the door which is a vital piece of evidence and the medic is examining the body of Olivia. He concludes that she was pushed whilst in a fight with someone due to bruising on the eye and chest and severe damage to the neck. It appears that she is trying to hide her identity, as she has contacts in, dyed hair and is covering up her tattoo with makeup. WHY is the question!
     Walter is in the lab and using high-technology to find out who Olivia really is, and is proved that she is Lisa Blackhall. She apparently registered at the hotel with a credit card under Silas Biotech. Horatio and Natalia go back to Silas Biotech and it's totally gone. Natalia also found out that the woman there was lying and Jason Norris was stored there when he was stolen. The whole building had been stripped out and everyone was gone. They find a bag of shredding (evidence) in the rubbish flute and take them back to lab to be reconstructed. As they are walking around Natalia is getting flashbacks of when she was here to remind the audience what it looked like before it had been stripped and to prove she isn't crazy.
     Back at the CSI lab they use more montages to show the reconstruction of the shredding. They place them into this cool machine and they start to pick up patterns in each shred. The account number used on the credit card "Olivia" used came up in the documents several time and the money was being located back to a place in Miami international. Natalia goes to check it out!
     She and Horatio turn up at Miami international and there they see every single witness form the bar that night when the murder took place. Turns out they set real life situations up to show clients what can really happen. The tall guy who punched Neil was present and alive and the reception lady from Silas Biotech explained that it was a fake death. Olivia, and everyone was in on the game - apart from Neil. He had no idea. It may sound quite confusing - I'm confused myself slightly! Horatio informs the receptionist that Lisa Blackhall is dead and she had no idea. She assured them that it was nothing to do with the game that they were playing. I believe that Neil is one of their banking clients and they are showing him what can happen when he does something unauthorised in the banking environment, this may not be the case but we shall see!
They arrest the receptionist for obstructing the justice of law. 
    Neil breaks into his own house but is met by Horatio who immediately arrives and both are face to face with guns pointing. Horatio tells him that it will be a mistake and realises that Dean, Neil's brother was in on the game and he talks sense into Neil and go back to the lab. They explain the game to him and the real reason is revealed. His brother went to the Miami international to find a way to man-up Neil and give him a backbone. He paid a substantial amount of money and everything went to plan. Apart from Lisa's death.
    When Neil was in the hotel room Lisa gave him a drowsiness drug and whilst on this he rung up his wife and told her to go stay at her mothers and as he was on the phone she head Lisa's voice shouting "Neil, who are you talking to?" His wife asked where he was and he told her. Later that night when Neil was unconscious his wife turned up at the hotel room and knocked on the door. Lisa answered and shut the door immediately. His wife then forced her way in but as she did, Lisa was pushed by the door and tripped and fell onto the corner of a surface which instantly killed her.
    SHOCKING?!?!?! I know, I was shocked too. So in the end, everything was a massive game and the one who ended up going down for murder was the one trying to save her husband from this awful prank!
Was a fab episode though, really gripping! Hope I told it well and highlighted the main themes and conventions in the program. Everyone must watch!!!!
To watch episode, click on link below to be amazed!!!: 

Saturday 10 December 2011


Watching the X-Factor final, would much rather being watching a good tasty TV Crime Drama. Will watch some juicy CSI later and post about it!!!

Friday 9 December 2011

Thursday 8 December 2011

Pitch Idea

Name: Justice
Type of Crime Drama:
Investigative - Includes detectives and police.
Undercover superhero, Law abiding policeman    
Jeff Rawle

Jeff Rawle - Previously played Silas the serial killer in Hollyoaks and recently got convicted so will no longer be appearing in the show. This will totally turn around his characterisation capability as he will be the one investigating into serial killers minds. He will be an undercover detective who always saves the day.

Louisa Lytton who plays Ruby Allen
Louisa Lytton

Louisa Lytton - Played Ruby Allen in Eastenders but left in 2006m, she is reported of looking for starring in a new up and coming TV programme so would be perfect for my Crime Drama. She will play the role of the Female law-abiding policewoman. She will appear along side Jeff as the police and undercover detectives come together to try and find the criminal.

Structure of Show
Series - each episode gets solved at the end.
Typical Narrative
Restricted Narrative - the audience will be visible to some structures but some scenes will leave the audience unknown. The show will begin with the suspect being interrogated and then include flashbacks within the give the audience clues into what happened and whether they are guilty or not. Many suspects will be interviewed but the audience will not find out who the real criminal is until the very end when all is revealed by either a new piece of evidence or a witness, and even a confession.
Will be set in the busy and bustling city of Central London, Labs and other scenes could be set in the quieter outskirts of London. (eg. Slough or Windsor)
The show will be a very glamorous show and also contain mild humour throughout.
ITV1, post water-shed. Will contain mild-language, but graphic images of Murder scenes or Sex scenes.
Target Audience
Young adults - adults: Will be suitable from ages ranging from 16-40.
Similar Shows - Luther (Investigative approach) and CSI (for its glamour and forensic side)
USP - It's very new and has a original structure to it which hasn't appeared in Crime Drama's yet. Also will include mild celebs, will be known to particular audiences but won't be completely unknown.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Crime Drama Conventions

Conventions of Crime Drama

Multiple Suspects (anyone could be the perpetrator – possible red herrings)
Professionals –Police, Investigators, Detectives, SWAT teams, Medics, Lawyers, Press, Judges.
Crimes – Murder (Homicide) Serial Murders, Theft, Kidnap, Abuse
Crime Scenes – Police Tape, Coroners, Press, CSIs
Evidence – DNA, witnesses, Fingerprints, Alibis, Personal Effects, CCTV / Images, Scars, footprints.
Formulaic Narrative – Equilibrium, Disruption, Resolution. (Twists as new evidence emerges)
Montages (of murders / evidence gathering)
Drama (Action scenes / Suspense Scenes / character development)
Restrictive narrative (we know as much as the investigators)
Flashbacks (to the crimes / prior events)
Motives (Jealousy, revenge, money, accidental)
Crime Solving techniques – using deduction skills (mind) or technology
Press Conferences (releasing details to the public)
Settings – mixture of rural / urban depending on the show, police stations, labs, morgues.
Tone – Glamorous v. gritty, humorous v. sombre
Pace – Slow v Fast