Wednesday 7 December 2011

Crime Drama Conventions

Conventions of Crime Drama

Multiple Suspects (anyone could be the perpetrator – possible red herrings)
Professionals –Police, Investigators, Detectives, SWAT teams, Medics, Lawyers, Press, Judges.
Crimes – Murder (Homicide) Serial Murders, Theft, Kidnap, Abuse
Crime Scenes – Police Tape, Coroners, Press, CSIs
Evidence – DNA, witnesses, Fingerprints, Alibis, Personal Effects, CCTV / Images, Scars, footprints.
Formulaic Narrative – Equilibrium, Disruption, Resolution. (Twists as new evidence emerges)
Montages (of murders / evidence gathering)
Drama (Action scenes / Suspense Scenes / character development)
Restrictive narrative (we know as much as the investigators)
Flashbacks (to the crimes / prior events)
Motives (Jealousy, revenge, money, accidental)
Crime Solving techniques – using deduction skills (mind) or technology
Press Conferences (releasing details to the public)
Settings – mixture of rural / urban depending on the show, police stations, labs, morgues.
Tone – Glamorous v. gritty, humorous v. sombre
Pace – Slow v Fast

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