Saturday 25 February 2012

Luther Series 1 Episode 4

Episode began with a man standing over a dead woman in a field. He was laying out all her belongings, that were currently with her, around her head. He stole the necklace that she was wearing which was a crescent. This was the 3rd murder in 5 weeks from the same man, Graham Shand. It was his wifes birthday and as he presents her with the necklace that he stole from his victim you can see a certain amount of maybe terror or guilt in her eyes. They are down the pub with their two friends when Graham suddenly gets a "phonecall from work" and has to leave straight away. He is a cab driver so it's an easy way to endure people in. But this "easy trap" is soon shattered as all three murders are not close to eachother but in weird obscure places, places that only residents OR taxi drivers would know! Luther was unable to go out and help catch Graham as the man that he supposidly "killed" in Episode 1 finally woke up from his coma. He was kept inside the office so had to try and do as much as he could form there but figured out that the murder must be a taxi driver. He got DS Justin Ripley to go through and find all the taxi drivers in the area that had been involved with the police before or any incident. They finally come to the conclusion that it's Graham and decide to pay his wife a visit to see if she knows anything about his disgusting habit. His wife, Linda, is cheating on him with on of his friends and she explains to Luther that Graham had said to her that if she ever leaves him he will take his life. And this was demonstrated when she tried to leave him but he slashed his wrists to stop her. Linda explained that he checks her phone whenever she isnt with it and she accidentley forgot to delete a text message off her phone from the man she was cheating with. During this time, Alice wants to help Luther with the "Henry Madsen" problem and let Luther go out and investigate which is what he does best. She poses as one of the nurses and goes into Henry Madsens room, she then silently kills him but Luther didn't want this to happen and lashes out on the phone to her. She then decides to go and tell Mark about Luther and Zoe. Luther quickly catches on that the man Linda is cheating with is in serious danger as Graham ordered a prositute to his house. He turns up before she does and kills the man that has been sleeping with his wife. The prostitute then turns up and it is clear that she is going to be his next victim. Layla, the escort, gets a phonecall who she thinks is her friend but to her suprise is Luther. He tells her to say in character on the phone as if it were her friend and find a safe place to hide as this man is very dangerous. Her attitude and body language completely changes after the phonecall and turns stiff and blank. She asks Graham if she could go to the toliet and he refuses and starts to touch her. She sprints to the bathroom and manages to lock the door. He started to rapidly knock on the door and starts to slightly break through. Layla turns around only to see the man that Graham had just killed in a body bag behind her. Graham goes downstairs and gets a hammer which he then starts hammering the door down. Linda is asked to go inside to get Graham instead of the police which could trigger him off and he goes down stairs with the hammer in hand. Policemen then surround him and he is taken away. Linda goes upstairs to fetch Layla and see's the man that she loves in the body bag. She picks up the hammer from downstairs and runs after Graham who is being taken away. She hits him on the back of the head with the hammer and kills him. This was soooooooo unexpected as I just thought he was going to get locked up but i thought it was a good suprise as it was completely what he deserved!!
Basic TV Crime Drama conventions used in this Episode:
- Montages
- Interviews/Interrogation
- Crime Scene
- Murder

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