Alibi- proof that you couldnt have been at the crime scene
Anti-Hero - Someone who always solves the crime but may not have abided by the law. Maybe they are a criminal themselves eg. Dexter
Autopsy - A post-mortern examination
Burglary - A crime of braking and entering a property
Crime Scene- the place in which the crime took place
Cliff Hanger- these are at the end of an episode or series where the audience is left in suspense and guessing what may happen next
DNA- chemical makeup to humans that are unique to humans
Evidence- can be DNA, an object, CCTV etc which can help lead to solve the crime
Forensics - The application of science to answer quetions related to a crime
Informant - Someone who gives secret information
Interrogation - The formal questioning of someone during a police investigation
Lawyer - A member of the legal profession, Eg. Barrister and Solicitor (also known as breif)
Manslaughter - Is a legal term for the killing of a human being, in a manner considered by law as less culpable than murder
Murder - The unlawfull killing of another human being
Narrative- the storyline
Omniscient Narrative- the audience know more than the investigators
Perperator- a person who commits a crime
Post-water shed- the programme is aired after 9pm
Pre existing content- the idea has come from something else eg-Sherlock
Perpetrator - A person who commits a crime
Reoccuring criminials/antagonist- the same criminals always appear
Restrictive Narrative- the audience knows as much as the investigators
Robbery - A crime of taking or attempting to take something of calue by force or threat of force
Search Warrant - A court order to seach a property
Sentence - The punishment allotted to a perosn condemned in a criminal trial
Statement - A formal account of events given by someone
Witness - A person who gives evidence in court.
Symbiotic - A relationship where they are dependent on eachother eg. If there was no teachers, there would be no students
Stock Character - Common characters that appear in crime dramas. They are stereotyped to fit their character eg. Hero Cop always saves the day and solves the crime eventually.
Informant - Someone who works for the police and feeds them with information.
Vocation- something someone is very pationate about eg- the characters live and breath crime
Witness- a person who gives evidence in court